Kimochis® Brave Badges

Kimochis Brave Badges

Materials: Brave Badge Template, foil, cardboard, crayons, fastener

  • Copy template and cut along dashed outline. Help younger children with cutting.
  • Place cutout template on top of aluminum foil. For each Brave Badge, cut a piece of aluminum foil to match the size of the dashed line rectangle. Set foil aside. Help younger children with cutting.
  • Cut template along thick black outline removing dashed outline section. This is why it’s important to cut the foil first! Help younger children with cutting.
  • Have children color Brave Badge.
  • Cut thin cardboard or poster board to the same size as thick black outline. Glue colored template to cardboard.
  • Place colored, glued template on top of pre-cut foil. Fold and glue foil over the edges of colored template to add shine to the Brave Badge!
  • Adhere a clip or pin to the back of the badge so children can wear it proudly.